

What does radical mean in art?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What does radical mean in art?
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If you mean, do you distribute a number within a radical to all the terms within the parenthesis than yes it does. Is this what you mean? radical(2)*(a+b) = radical(2)*a + radical(2)*b

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If, by "3 radical 27" you mean the cuberoot of 27, the answer is YES. If you mean 3 times sqrt(27), the answer is NO.

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√a / √b = √(a/b)

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the radical is the thing that houses the number in the problem of a square root. A radical sign looks like a division house just with a tail on the front of it.

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if you mean what is square root of 200 in its simplest radical form its 10*21/2

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It depends on what you mean by solve: simplify, evaluate or rationalise the denominator. The answer will also depend on the radical expression.

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If by "radical" you mean "square root of", then yes. Both square roots of 25 are real numbers.

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