In math terms:A ray is a line with one endpoint, never ending.-------->A line is like a ray, but with no endpoints.
In math best
Math is related to math because math(1) is technically math(2) itself, because there is really no description how math(1) is the same as math(2). There is only one math, except for types of math, like algebra.
Math is not just math you have to study it like subtration and addition. You use it on sheets or paper work.
a math book is were u learn math
A ray in math is a part of a line that has one end point
a ray in maths is a arm of an angle.
A horizontal ray in math is a line that runs horizontally that has one starting point and goes on forever in the opposite direction.
A ray in math begins as a point (or dot, in laymans terms) with a straight arrow coming from it.
math and science
Yes, if the three points are collinear.
In math terms:A ray is a line with one endpoint, never ending.-------->A line is like a ray, but with no endpoints.
A ray looks like this: •----------------> One end point, and an endless line going the other way.
A ray is a part of a is one end point and goes on and on in one diredction.You name the endpoint that is first.
A ray can be in 2 dimensions, in 3 dimensions, or in fact in any number of dimensions.