Numbers whose GCF is 1, like 24 and 49, are known as relatively prime. This means that they have no prime factors in common.
No it does not mean that.
No, they are not relatively prime.
a prime number has only 2 factors
25 is relatively prime with 36. 25 is not relatively prime with 35.
Two numbers are considered relatively prime when their GCF is 1.
Numbers whose GCF is 1, like 24 and 49, are known as relatively prime. This means that they have no prime factors in common.
No it does not mean that.
a prime number has only 2 factors
No, they are not relatively prime.
It can be. 34 is relatively prime to 35. 34 is not relatively prime to 40.
25 is relatively prime with 36. 25 is not relatively prime with 35.
It can be. 26 is relatively prime to 27. 26 is not relatively prime to 34.
A Way of doing something a Math. Example: The Prime Factorization Method.
Two [or more] numbers are said to be relatively prime or coprime if they have no factor in common [other than 1]. They need not be prime numbers.Equivalently, a set of numbers is relatively prime if and only if their GCF is 1.Thus, 2*7 = 14 and 3*5 = 15Neither 14 nor 15 is a prime but they are relatively prime since they do not have a factor in common.
When the numerator and denominator are relatively prime.