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Q: What does satisfactory for evaluation no transformation zone identified means?
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What does satisfactory mean?

It means alright, not perfect but okay.

What word means to make a satisfactory response or return?


Which transformation is not a rigid transformation?

A rigid transformation means it has the same size and shape so it would be a dilation

What does satisfactory plus mean on a report card?

Well satisfactory means passing but with needed help, so satisfactory plus would be passing without much needed help in school and studies.

What is an example of a satisfactory law?

It means you have to be at least 18 to vote.

What does satisfactorily means?

if u dont mind and i dont mind that is satisfactory

Isn't Transmogrification Transformation?

Yes, transmogrification means transformation. To transmogrify means to transform and change which usually brings startling results.

What does identified mean?

Identified means to establish the identity of someone or something;recognise as being.

What does adeguate mean?

If you mean adequate, it means "satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity."

What is the modern transformation of cricket?

The modern transformation means that it is changing the sport according to peoples level of entertainment

What does was good mean?

The predicate "was good" means "was satisfactory" or "was enjoyable."For a child, the statement that he or she was good means they were well-behaved.

What does the word evaluation in English means?
