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First get the fraction to a common denominator:

7 3/10 - 3 1/2 = 7 3/10 - 3 5/10 = (73 - 35)/10 = 38/10 =

or 3 4/5 or 3.8

When the fraction is on a common denominator, multiply in the integer part, to get the complete number in the fraction - here 10.

Then, to get the result, divide the denominator into the numerator to get the nearest whole number plus the remaining fraction.

If your answer is in a fraction, which is the usual when you start with a fraction, what you then do to finish the answer depends on what you have been taught by your teacher: some teachers prefer you to end with a whole number and a fraction: 3 4/5 but other teachers may prefer you to reduce the answer to include decimal places instead of fractions: 3.8 in this particular case.

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Seven and three tenths minus three and one half is equal to 3 and two tenths.

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