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Q: What does significant mean in regards to a t test?
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How do I tell if a T-test is significant with an alpha of 05 and if you already have significance values?

If you already have your p-value, compare it with 0.05. If the p-value is less than an alpha of 0.05, the t-test is significant. If it is above 0.05, the t-test is not significant.

What does the t and the c mean on the pregnancy test from the doctors?

what does the t and c mean on the pregnancy test

What is t Test?

t-test is the statistical test used to find the difference of mean between two groups

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Is a t-test a parametric study?

Yes, it is. The one sample t-test is a study of the parameter population-mean. You can also use the t-test to test for the difference between two population means (both parameters).

How is the null hypothesis of the independent samples t test verbalized?

The null hypothesis of the independent samples t-test is verbalized by either accepting or rejecting it due to the value of the t-test. If the value is less than 0.05 it is accepted and greater than 0.05 is rejecting it.

When independent sample t test is used?

The Independent Samples T Test compares the mean scores of two groups on a given variable.

Which of these is closest to what you mean to statistically significant?

Statistically significant is the term used to define when two data are distinct enough in value as to be considered different values. To determine whether two data are close enough in value or distinct enough in value to be considered the same or different, usually you have to do a p-test or a t-test, depending on the type of data that you are looking at. Then confer with the corresponding chart for the test that you did to see whether or not the data is statistically significant.

What does the c and the t mean on a hospital pregnancy test?

C- Control T- means test Line under the C - Negative Line under C and T- positive :)

What is the legal age a child can be left alone in ct?

would love to help can you clarify what you mean by ct regards t

What are the differences between a two sample t-test and a chi-square test, and how do they each contribute to statistical analysis?

A two-sample t-test is used to compare the means of two independent groups, while a chi-square test is used to determine if there is a relationship between two categorical variables. The t-test helps determine if there is a significant difference in means, while the chi-square test helps determine if there is a significant association between variables. Both tests are important tools in statistical analysis for making inferences about populations based on sample data.

How do you decide whether to use a z test or a t test when testing a hypothesis about a population mean?

You use a z test when you are testing a hypothesis that is using proportions You use a t test when you are testing a hypothesis that is using means