

What does similar figure mean?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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12y ago

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A figure that is the same shape as another but could be a different size.

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Q: What does similar figure mean?
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What is the difference between a similar figure and a congruent figure?

A similar figure has the same interior angles as a congruent figure but its sides are in proportion to a congruent figure.

Which of the transformations will produce a similar but not congruent figure?

A dilation would produce a similar figure.

Are corresponding angles of similar figure always congruent?

Yes, they are.

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A congruent figure.

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the number used to muliplpy the lengths of a figure to stretch or shrink it to a similar image.

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Yes, congruent figures have to be similar

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An enlargement transformation will create a similar figure,

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The transitive property holds for similar figures?

The transitive property states that if A is equal to B, and B is equal to C, then A is equal to C. In the context of similar figures, this property holds true. If two figures are similar, and one figure is congruent to a third figure, then the second figure is also congruent to the third figure.

What are similar figures?

A similar figure is one with the same shape, the same angles, and the same relative dimensions as another. A similar figure may only be different, if at all, by scale size.

How do you find the dimensions of a figure if you know the dimensions of a similar figure?

If two objects have the same shape, they are called "similar." When two figures are similar, the ratios of the lengths of their corresponding sides are equal. To determine if the triangles shown are similar, compare their corresponding sides.