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A congruent figure.

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Q: What is a similar figure with the same proportion?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a similar figure and a congruent figure?

A similar figure has the same interior angles as a congruent figure but its sides are in proportion to a congruent figure.

What is different about similar figure and congruent figures?

Congruent figures are identical in dimensions and angles whereas similar figures have dimensions in proportion to congruent figures but both have exactly the same angles.

What are polygons that have the same shape but not the same size?

They are said to be similar by proportion

What does similar mean in mathematics?

Two shapes are said to be similar if they have the same angles, and the crresponding sides are all in the same proportion.

How do you make a propotion?

Depends what kind of proportion you want to make and for what, could be percentages or to figure out the missing value in a side of one figure similar to another, etc

What are similar figures?

A similar figure is one with the same shape, the same angles, and the same relative dimensions as another. A similar figure may only be different, if at all, by scale size.

What is a simmilar figures?

A similar figure is proportionally the same shape as another figure and all the angles are the same.

What is a similar plane figure?

It is a figure that is the same as another figure in the plane. A square is the same plane figure as another square, but a cube is same the same plane figure even tho it is made up of 6 squares.

What does similar figure mean?

A figure that is the same shape as another but could be a different size.

Why rubber have the same empirical formula as its monomer?

An empirical formula only takes into account the proportions of the elements in a compound. The proportion of elements in a polymer might be the same or similar as the proportion in the monomer from which it is made.

How can a similar figure not be congruent?

if the angles of a figure are the same but the sides aren't, it is similiar. Congruent is angles and sides exactly the same

What is figures that can have the same shape but not necessarly the same region figure?

They are similar figures.