Basically, simplifying can apply to any sort of expression from something as simple as division, or something complicated like an equation. Simplifying can be like reducing 5/10 to 1/2 or reducing 10x+5y+25 to 2x+y+5. You divide the expression by a common term, such as two or five in the previous problems
What does it mean to simplify an algebraic expression?It means to take the problem to the lowest point you can take it to.
You can't. Math is not an algebraic expression. Simplifying an equation, however, can take multiple forms. Sometimes simplify simply means to solve an equation. Other times, it can mean to bring an equation into a standard form, such as with line equations, or quadratic equations.
to simplify an expression means to take all the like terms and make them one. for example if the expression is 2x+5x+1x-4 , you would simplify it by adding 2x,5x,&1x because they are all alike... it would become 8x-4
It depends on what you mean by solve: simplify, evaluate or rationalise the denominator. The answer will also depend on the radical expression.
They mean the hispanic language taught in Alaska
Math can be difficult at times. To simplify a math expression, it is important to follow the order of operations, or PEMDAS.
What does it mean to simplify an algebraic expression?It means to take the problem to the lowest point you can take it to.
In math evaluating is where you simplify an expression as much as possible. For example to evaluate 5+2 you simplify it so it is 7. To evaluate 5x+3x+4y you simplify it to 8x+4y.
You can't. Math is not an algebraic expression. Simplifying an equation, however, can take multiple forms. Sometimes simplify simply means to solve an equation. Other times, it can mean to bring an equation into a standard form, such as with line equations, or quadratic equations.
The simplify of 2 times 2 take away 2 equals 2. This is a math problem.
in math terms reduce means to simplify
If you mean expression, then an expression is a math problem like 2 multiplyed by 2 or 9-2+3
to simplify an expression means to take all the like terms and make them one. for example if the expression is 2x+5x+1x-4 , you would simplify it by adding 2x,5x,&1x because they are all alike... it would become 8x-4
It depends on what you mean by solve: simplify, evaluate or rationalise the denominator. The answer will also depend on the radical expression.
i don't have a clue
They mean the hispanic language taught in Alaska
it means to break it down