Two hundred and sixty thousand is 260,000.
The standard form looks like this: 3,098,405
Five thousand billion billion looks like this in standard form: 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
It is short word form. Standard form is 70,000 and word form is seventy thousand.
The standard form is 3,329
Two hundred and sixty thousand is 260,000.
The standard form is 4,035,312,004
Two hundred sixty-five thousand = 265,000
The standard form looks like this: 3,098,405
I am trying to help my daugther right now. I think is 3,060,066,900 I would like to analized and tell me , what do you think.
Just like it sounds when you say it: Twenty-Five Thousand, Three-Hundred Sixty-One
The year has been spoken "two thousand ten" or "two thousand and ten."However, the traditional form for YEARS is the hundredsname, so the standard form (historically) will likely become "twenty ten" (and twenty-oh-nine for 2009). The use of the "thousands" form is a carryover from the year two thousand (2000) which like the years 1000 AD and 5000 BC would use the cardinal number.It is easier to say "the year ten sixty-six" for 1066, rather than "one thousand sixty-six" and 1865 would practically never use the numeral name.
Five thousand billion billion looks like this in standard form: 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000