It is short word form. Standard form is 70,000 and word form is seventy thousand.
Nine million one hundred twenty-three thousand seventy-two.
In word form, 12238 is written as "twelve thousand two hundred thirty-eight." This representation follows the standard rules of place value in the English language, where each digit's position indicates its value relative to the others.
Expressed in word form, the number 2,800,000 is written two million eight hundred thousand.
8,700,012 is written as: eight million seven hundred thousand twelve.
twenty-three million, nine thousand, eighteen.
Twenty thousand is the word form and 20,000 is the standard form.
4,600,028 in standard word form is: four million six hundred thousand twenty-eight.
In word form, it is written six.
Let's See: 1) Standard Form- 100,000 2) Expanded Form- 100,000- This number has no significant digits in the ten-thousand place and lower so the way it is written is the same as standard form. 3) Word Form- One hundred Thousand The number 100,00 can only be written in three different forms.
Word form = one million, three hundred ninety-eight thousand, five hundred twenty-one. Standard form = 1,398,521
28,302,603 in standard word form is: twenty-eight million three hundred two thousand six hundred three.
It is written as two thousand.
Thirty thousand fifty.
two thousand twelve
2,000.0004 is written in word form as: two thousand and four ten-thousandths.
Word-form . . . on a check or a formal invitation Standard form . . . everywhere else