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it means at a very sharp angle or relating to a mountain side

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Q: What does steep mean in geographic terms?
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Geographic terms that start with the letter o:oceanopen rangeoutwash

What does geographic terms mean?

Words we use to describe and write about processes features and phenomenon that occur on earth.

What does Italy mean in geographic terms?

it means IT and LAY! so it means sumthin layed in egg!

What geographic feature protected Vicksburg from union attacks?

Steep cliffs above the river.

What is the definition of geographic terms?

It is Awesome!

What was considered a geographic barrier to early Georgian settlers because of heavy forests dense undergrowth and steep ridges?

The Appalachian Mountains were this sort of geographic barrier.

Was considered a geographic barrier to early Georgian settlers because of heavy forests dense undergrowth and steep ridges?

The Appalachian Mountains were this sort of geographic barrier.

Is the US closer to Canada or Mexico?

In geographic terms, bot are equally close, bordering the United States. If you mean on either cultural or socio-demographic terms, it is much closer to Canada.

What geographic term describes Greece?

Every country is able to be described in geographic terms. Greece is a country that can be described with the geographic term mountainous.

What is the largest country in the world in terms of geographic size?

Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of geographic size, covering over 17 million square kilometers.

What does the verb steep mean?

Steep is not a verb, it's an adjective. Steep (as an adj.) means deep. Steep can be used as a verb. It means to saturate or drench in something.

What is the geographic importance of Steep Point in Western Australia?

Situated within within the Shark Bay World Heritage site in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia, Steep Point is the westernmost point on the Australian mainland. This is its geographic importance, together with the fact that it serves as a good reference point for other locations. Its historic significance is that Steep Point is the location of the wreck of the HMAS Sydney. Access to Steep Point is by 4WD vehicle only, with a permit required to travel through Carrarang Station.