When you summarize something, you explain what the main idea of something was in a few short sentences or phrases!
frequence distrubution
Yes. Descriptive statistics are methods of organizing, summarizing, and presenting data in an informative way. Inferential Statistics (also called statistical inference) the methods used to estimate a property of a population on the basis of a sample.
Descriptive statistics are very useful for showing and summarizing data when any complex models are nit needed. However, it does not explain the relationship between two or more pieces of data and it does not leave any room to explain randomness in the data.
data means information useful or useless for us
data means information
Summarizing collected data into table
frequence distrubution
The objective of data processing is to convert data into knowledge. Data processing can involve sorting, validating, and summarizing data into useful information.
The word summarizing used in the accounting field means to prepare the trial balance. This is basically balancing the books at the end of the month or year.
summarising involves presenting the already classified data in summarised form.this involve the preparation of balance sheet.
it means to sum up or rewrite in your own words
Data manipulation is the process of changing or transforming data to make it more organized, accessible, or useful for analysis, reporting, or other purposes. This can involve tasks such as filtering, sorting, summarizing, merging, or transforming data in various ways using tools like spreadsheets, databases, or programming languages.
There are eleven operations for data of processing. The eleven data of processing operations in a computer are recording, verifying, duplicating, classifying, sorting, calculating, summarizing and reporting, merging, storing, retrieving, and feedback.
A and B. Provides improved surveillance of the PCOLS program. Analyzes data, and categorizing and summarizing the relationship.
The DM/RA application provides improved surveillance of the PCOLS program, by analyzing data, categorizing and summarizing their relationship.
A variety of processes may be performed on the data, such as adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying, sorting, organizing, formatting, comparing, graphing, and summarizing.