Terminator 2 it's possible it could mean something else as well but when ever I hear t2 it means Terminator 2
If you mean t^2 +11t +10 then it is (t+10)(t+1) when factorized
(4x - t2)= [(2√x)2 - t2] (This is now the difference of squares)= (2√x - t)(2√x + t)
T(t + 4)
2(t2) = 330: t2 = 165: t = 12.85 (2t)2 = 330: 2t = 18.16: t = 9.08
Terminator 2 it's possible it could mean something else as well but when ever I hear t2 it means Terminator 2
What does it mean when the MRI states Marked patchy to confluent abnormal T2 signal white matter? increase brain T2 signal from white matter in MRI might be due to AIDS dementia complex
T1 and T2 commonly refer to the primary and secondary terminals of a transformer. T1 is typically the primary side where the input voltage is applied, while T2 is usually the secondary side where the output voltage is obtained. The terminals are used to connect the transformer to the electrical circuit.
Type your answer here... it is a T2 hyperintense foci
T2 hyperintensity refers to an area in an MRI scan that appears brighter than surrounding tissues on a T2-weighted image. This can indicate various conditions such as inflammation, edema, or fluid accumulation in that particular area of the body. It is important for a healthcare professional to assess the clinical context to determine the significance of T2 hyperintensity.
what does this mean? Impression: There are scattered foci of T2/FLAIR hyperintensity within the periventricular, deep and subcortical white matter. The findings are nonspecific but may be seen in mild to moderate small vessel ischemic changes. No evidence for acute infarct or hemorrhage.
A heterogeneous T2 signal means that there are areas within a tissue or structure that have different levels of signal intensity on a T2-weighted MRI image. This can indicate a mix of different tissue types, such as fluid-filled spaces, fibrosis, or inflammation. It may suggest underlying pathology or a mix of normal and abnormal tissue.
If you start on the G on the second line on the staff and then go to the G above the staff, the fingerings go like this: 0-T12-T2-T0-T12-T2-T2-T0-T2-T2-T12-T0-T2-T12-0 (G, A, B, C, D, E, F#, G, F#, E, D, C, B, A, G)
What does it mean if you watch poem randomly
On the golf score board, the designation "T2" means tied for second place.