TAN on your calculator means TANGENT. In Pythagoras Theorem. Try googling about Pythagoras Theorem and it will answer your questions. Hope this helps.
This question doesn't mean anything. Explain more thoroughly.
If B is 90 degrees, Tan A is BC / AB. But I don't know what you mean by Tan A by 2.
tan(9) + tan(81) - tan(27) - tan(63) = 4
tan (A-B) + tan (B-C) + tan (C-A)=0 tan (A-B) + tan (B-C) - tan (A-C)=0 tan (A-B) + tan (B-C) = tan (A-C) (A-B) + (B-C) = A-C So we can solve tan (A-B) + tan (B-C) = tan (A-C) by first solving tan x + tan y = tan (x+y) and then substituting x = A-B and y = B-C. tan (x+y) = (tan x + tan y)/(1 - tan x tan y) So tan x + tan y = (tan x + tan y)/(1 - tan x tan y) (tan x + tan y)tan x tan y = 0 So, tan x = 0 or tan y = 0 or tan x = - tan y tan(A-B) = 0 or tan(B-C) = 0 or tan(A-B) = - tan(B-C) tan(A-B) = 0 or tan(B-C) = 0 or tan(A-B) = tan(C-B) A, B and C are all angles of a triangle, so are all in the range (0, pi). So A-B and B-C are in the range (- pi, pi). At this point I sketched a graph of y = tan x (- pi < x < pi) By inspection I can see that: A-B = 0 or B-C = 0 or A-B = C-B or A-B = C-B +/- pi A = B or B = C or A = C or A = C +/- pi But A and C are both in the range (0, pi) so A = C +/- pi has no solution So A = B or B = C or A = C A triangle ABC has the property that tan (A-B) + tan (B-C) + tan (C-A)=0 if and only if it is isosceles (or equilateral).
You make me so hot. Probably you would use the familiar form here. Tú me haces tan caliente.
They are everything, like they can be discribed in many ways you can use it for cat's and also sort of thing's what do you mean ?
In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the phrase "I'll tan you" suggests a threat of physical punishment or discipline. It implies that the speaker will use physical force to discipline or punish the person being spoken to.
eres tan agradable = you are so nice
Tan caliente = It's so hot (weather only).
Tan rica is: So delicious or So rich.
It can. It is best to use an after-sun lotion.
Yes you can put fake tan on your hands. You can fake tan almost everywhere with body fake tan. But use facial fake tan for the face and neck.
double x, y; ... x = tan (y);
ummmm..........i think you mean to make your person tan, like you get sunburned tan. i dont know if there is one.
Its a variation of chan.