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The age distribution of a population is, the number of individuals of each age in the population.

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Q: What does the age distribution of a population mean?
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What does age distribution of a population mean?

The age distribution of a population is, the number of individuals of each age in the population.

What does age distribution of population mean?

Age distribution of population refers to the percentage of people in different age groups within a given population. This information provides insights into the demographic structure of a society, such as the proportion of children, working-age adults, and elderly individuals. It is used to understand trends in population growth, age-related policies, and potential social and economic impacts.

What is the mean of the sampling distribution equal to?

The mean of the sampling distribution is the population mean.

What graph shows the distribution of a population?

for plat5o users the answer is an age distribution diagram

What is the difference between population and sample distribution?

Sampling distribution is the probability distribution of a given sample statistic. For example, the sample mean. We could take many samples of size k and look at the mean of each of those. The means would form a distribution and that distribution has a mean, a variance and standard deviation. Now the population only has one mean, so we can't do this. Population distribution can refer to how some quality of the population is distributed among the population.

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How do you use population pyramid in a sentence?

The population pyramid is a graphical representation of a population's age and gender distribution.

A graph that shows the age distribution of a population is called?

A population pyramid is a graph that shows the age distribution of a population, typically divided into age cohorts, with younger individuals at the base and older individuals at the top. This type of graph provides insights into the demographic structure and trends within a population.

What will the sampling distribution of the mean be if a population is normally distribution?

Also normally distributed.

Is the Mean for distribution of means less than population mean?


Why is median age good?

Median age gives a more accurate representation of the central tendency of a population's age distribution, as it is less affected by outliers compared to the mean. It provides a clearer understanding of the typical age of a population and can be useful for demographic analysis and policy making.

Why is the mean of the distribution of means the same as the mean of the population of individuals?

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