The batting average is the percent of times a batter gets a successful hit per official times at bat. It is determined by dividing the hits by the times at bat, i. e. times at bat 10; hits 3. 3 divided by 10 gives you a .300 batting average, or the batter gets a hit 30% of the times he has an official at bat. Base on balls (walks), sacrifice hits, sacrifice flies, hit by pitch ball, and catcher interference do not count as an official at bat.
"Mean" is the same as "average". It's equal to (sum of all the items in the group) divided by (number of items in the group).
If you're wondering where you stand in the Stanford Binet test the average IQ for everyone is 100. Expert testing (I don't mean internet IQ tests, which are meaningless) will determine where you stand either side of the average, if it seems important for you to learn this.
58962 the mean (average) is 6
Mean is the mathematical term for average.
The mean average deviation is the same as the mean deviation (or the average deviation) and they are, by definition, 0.
In mathematics, mean stands for average.
In baseball, batting a thousand would mean getting a base hit in every at bat.
It stand for Average Time On Ice.
The Triple Crown is awarded to a Major League Baseball player who is ranked first in three major categories. For hitters it is batting average, home runs and runs batted in. For pitchers it is earned run average, wins and strikeouts.
Run Production Average
it is the opponents average.
Somebody batting a thousand had a base hit in each of his or her at bats. Baseball statistics that call themselves percentages are generally out of 1,000, not 100. Batting average is the number of hits per thousand at bats. So somebody batting three hundred has 300 hits per 1,000 at bats, and somebody batting 1,000 has 1,000 hits per thousand at bats. Since 1941 no Major League Baseball player has ever hit over 400 in a full season.
You sure you didnt mean ALCS? American League Championship Series
It means you have hit 1 out of every 2 balls thrown at you.
its the batting average of the players the pitcher pitched against