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Q: What does the circle of the pentagram mean?
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Does a pentagram have to have even sides?

I think a pentagram has to fit inside a perfect circle, but if that means that it has to have even sides I'm not sure.

What does a Evoking Pentagram look like?

An evoking pentagram is a five-pointed star symbol created by drawing lines in a specific pattern. It is often used in ceremonial magic rituals to represent the elements or directions. Each point of the star is connected by a continuous line, and the direction in which it is drawn can affect its magical significance.

What does a pentagram look like?

It looks like an star in a circle.

What is the circle with the 5 sided star in the middle called?


How does a pentagram looks?

== == A Pentagram, used by Pagans, is usually a five pointed star, within a circle. In most cases it is displayed with one of the points of the star at the top. == ==

What are associations of the the pentagram?

The Pentagram is a five pointed star. For early Catholics, it meant the five wounds of Jesus. For Wiccans, the upright Pentacle, pentacle inside a circle, is the religious symbol. For LaVey Satanists, an inverted pentagram with the Baphomet face is their religious symbol. Pentagram can be found in ancient Solomonic Sigils and Planetary Talismans.

What does the prefix penta mean?

penta = five, as in pentagon, or pentagram

What words have the word pent in them and mean 5?

pentagon, pentagram

What is the Lesser Pentagram?

The so called "lesser pentagram" is actually a term derived from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. They taught a small (lesser ritual) which involved casting a circle and reciting specific holy names of god while circumscribing pentagrams in the air with a ritual dagger. The pentagram itself is not lesser, just the ritual. There is also a greater ritual of the pentagram, as well as lesser and greater rituals of the hexagram.

What is a star in a circle?

A 5-point star within a circle is a symbol known as a pentagram. It is used to represent the five core elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. In the Wiccan religion, the pentagram is used as a talisman to protect the person that beholds it.

What is the star with the circle around it called?

It is called the "Pentacle". This symbol is heavenly. It is a star with the star pointed up, inside a circle. On the other hand there is the "Pentagram". This Symbol is Demonic. It is a star that has it's point facing down and is inside a circle.

What does a ten pointed pentagram mean?

The number of point where more than one line meet. In a pentagram there are ten points. 5 from the outside corners and 5 from the inside corners.