You cannot write a decimal like that because 3 thousand isnt igger than 517 hundredth thousand
sixty five hundred thousandths. its just like counting normally to the left of the decimal (ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, etc.) except you replace the end with "ths" (tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.).
$47,646. (BTW, if you say and, that usually means decimal. Say it like this: Forty-seven thousand, six hundred forty six dollars. )
117,000 = one hundred seventeen thousand. To help you learn how to write other numbers like this, just remember that if it's "thousand", that means there will be 3 digits to the right of the comma (unless there's a decimal, see below). If it's one hundred seventeen thousand, four hundred thirty five dollars and fifteen cents it's $117,435.15.
You cannot write a decimal like that because 3 thousand isnt igger than 517 hundredth thousand
sixty five hundred thousandths. its just like counting normally to the left of the decimal (ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, etc.) except you replace the end with "ths" (tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.).
$47,646. (BTW, if you say and, that usually means decimal. Say it like this: Forty-seven thousand, six hundred forty six dollars. )
117,000 = one hundred seventeen thousand. To help you learn how to write other numbers like this, just remember that if it's "thousand", that means there will be 3 digits to the right of the comma (unless there's a decimal, see below). If it's one hundred seventeen thousand, four hundred thirty five dollars and fifteen cents it's $117,435.15.
It would look like this: 9 602 11.3
Two hundred and sixty thousand is 260,000.
Two hundred sixty-five thousand = 265,000
six hundred thousand
To find 20 percent of two hundred thousand, you first convert 20 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which gives you 0.20. Then, you multiply 0.20 by two hundred thousand to get the answer. Therefore, 20 percent of two hundred thousand is forty thousand.
Five hundred thousand million looks like this: 500,000,000,000 (500 billion).