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Q: What does the distribution look like if the mean mode and median are different?
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What does axes of symmetry look like in a triangle?

It is a median.

How are median and mode the different?

The median is kind of like the middle number. When you have a set of number you need to sort them from least to greatest, then look for you number that is in the exact middle of them all, that number is your median, if there isn't a number in the exact middle you would add your two middle numbers together, then divide by two and that is your median. The mode is the number that occurs most, so when you sort your data from least to greatest lets say you have one 13, three 14's, and eight 15's your mode would be 15 seeing as that is the number that occurs the most.

What does the first bible look like?

Different language

How this world will look like in 2080?

Different. That's the only guarantee.

What does 90 mins look like on a oven timer?

Different oven have different ways of displaying time.

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It is a median.

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Take a look at the related link. There is an image that shows the location of the median nerve

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i think different turtles would probably look like different turtles!they look different from regular turtles you see, but similar!

Why is the mean lower than the median?

because mean you add all the number and median you look for the number in the middel

What does a skew look like?

A distribution is skewed if one of its tails is longer than the other. The first distribution shown has a positive skew. This means that it has a long tail in the positive direction.

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Distribution of yolk cells.

What does Canada's population distribution look like?

dense at bottom of Ontario and quebec and more spread out the higher you go.