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Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals" etc. And using ^ to indicate powers (eg x-squared = x^2).

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Q: What does the equation y x2 - 8x 2 become after completing the square?
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Explain how to solve x2 plus 8x -2 equals 0 by completing the square?

x² + 8x -2 = 0 x² + 8x = 2 x² + 8x + (8/2)² = 2 + (8/2)² x² + 8x + 16 = 2 + 16 (x + 4)² = 18 x + 4 = ±√18 x = -4 ±√18 x = -4 + √18 or x = -4 - √18 if you are still confused, i want you to follow the related link that explains the concept of completing the square clearly.

What is the equation of 8x-2 equals 14?

[ 8x - 2 = 14 ] is the equation.[ x = 2 ] is the solution to the equation.

What is the square root of 8x?

square root of 8x = 2.82842712

How do you rewrite the equation -8x-5y-45?

-8x-5y-45 is not an equation. An equation requires an equal sign in there somewhere. If you meant -8x-5y=45, then there are many ways to rewrite it, such as -(8x+5y)=45, or 8x+5y=-45, or 8x=-(45+5y), to name three. If you meant -8x-5y=-45, then you're probably looking for 8x+5y=45.

Is x equals 1 a solution of the equation 2 - 8x?

No. That is because 2 - 8x is an algebraic expression, not an equation. And since it is not an equation, it does not have a solution.

How do you solve 8x 120?

8x = 120divide the equation by 8 8x/8 = 120/8 x = 15

Explain how to solve x2 plus 8x -2 equals 0 by completing a square?

x2 + 8x - 2 = 0 => x2 + 8x = 2 => x2 + 8x + 16 = 2 + 16 = 18 => (x + 4)2 = 18 => x + 4 = +or- sqrt(18) = +or- 3*sqrt(2) so x = -4 +or- 3*sqrt(2)

What is 8x plus 5y100?

If you mean 8x+5y = 100 then it is a straight line equation

What is 8x - 4x 12?

If that's 8x - 4x = 12, it's an equation where x = 3

Find the factors of x3-5x2 8x-4 how to solve this equation?


What is 8x-8y divided by 8x plus 8y?

(8x-8y)/(8x+8y) = (x-y)/(x+y)Cancel down by 8; you have simplified the equation.

How many solutions are there to the equation 8x-38x-24?

Assuming the equation is: 8x - 38x - 24 = 0 Then: -30x = 24 Answer = x = -24/30 = - 0.8