

Best Answer

you just have to be told this when your a teenager by you Dad to understand!

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Q: What does the expression 'let the rough side drag' mean?
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What does the expression 6 x mean?

The expression 6x means that you multiplied 6 and x together. To separate them you would divide 6x by 6 and if you divided one side by 6, you would have to do the same to the other side of the problem. Hope this helps you!

What is the answer to create an email on the impossible quiz?

You drag the e next to the dash then drag the envelope at the other side of the dash

What do expressions which use numbers or other symbols and an equal sign mean?

In mathematics, such expressions indicate that the value of the expression to the left of the equal sign has the same value as the expression to the right of the equal sign. In some cases, it can also be interpreted to mean that the expression on one side of the equal sign can be used in place of the expression on the other side of the equal sign (say in manipulating algebraic expressions). In computer languages, the equal sign is sometimes also used to indicate that the value of the expression to the right of the equal sign is to be transferred to the location indicated by the expression to the left of the equal sign. The expression to the left of the equal sign is usually a single variable that represents a memory location.

What does expression mean in math term?

It is a formula with an equal sign * * * * * No. Each side of the equal sign is an expression but the whole is an equation. An expression is a combination of numbers and operators without an equality (or inequality) sign. [Actually, such signs may appear in conditional values, but that is getting seriously pedantic!]

How do you solve the equation 6s - 10s with variables on each side?

There is no equation in the question, only an expression. An expression cannot be solved.

Related questions

What does the phrase mean let the rough side drag?

I always heard it and said it "don't let the low side drag..." Meaning,,,you are slow at accomplishing a, get yourself in gear and hurry up and don't stop until the task is complete. I believe it comes from way-back when car loads of people would overburden the shocks on one side of the car, creating a low side that would eventually hit ground given the right pot hole in the road. If you've seen an old Lincoln with the rear shocks' airbags blown out, you will know exactly what I mean.

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Rough side up

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That part of town has a bad reputation for crime.

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Drag stuff to the side of it.

What does the expression 6 x mean?

The expression 6x means that you multiplied 6 and x together. To separate them you would divide 6x by 6 and if you divided one side by 6, you would have to do the same to the other side of the problem. Hope this helps you!

What does rough edge of the tongue mean?

The rough edge of the tongue refers to the side edges or margins of the tongue, where tastebuds are located. These areas are sensitive to taste stimulation and play a role in detecting different flavors.

What does larboard mean to do with boats?

Larboard is an antiquated expression for the port side of a boat. If you are standing at the stern (back end) of a boat and you are looking in direction of the bow, the side right of you is the "starboard" (or starbord) side, the side left of you the "port" (or larboard) side.

What is the answer to create an email on the impossible quiz?

You drag the e next to the dash then drag the envelope at the other side of the dash

Why do cricketers spit on the ball?

Cricketers Spit on otherwise known as "shining" a cricket ball as they would like their fast bowlers to be able to swing the ball in later overs. They only shine on side and leave the other side "rough". When bowling, the bowler will bowl with the seam (middle of a cricket ball) in an upright position and when the ball is delivered, the air will travel faster past the smooth, shined side of the ball and on the other side there will be drag and air will get caught on the rough side... this difference in wind speeds passing the ball results in ball "swining"- movinging in the air.

How do you put the tools bar buttons on the left side?

If you mean the Task Bar, simply right click on task bar, un-check 'Lock the Taskbar', then left click on it & drag to side of screen.

What does it mean the grass is not greener on the other side?

Actually, the expression is "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." It means that something you do not have may look more attractive than what you already have (the grass on YOUR side of the fence)

What do expressions which use numbers or other symbols and an equal sign mean?

In mathematics, such expressions indicate that the value of the expression to the left of the equal sign has the same value as the expression to the right of the equal sign. In some cases, it can also be interpreted to mean that the expression on one side of the equal sign can be used in place of the expression on the other side of the equal sign (say in manipulating algebraic expressions). In computer languages, the equal sign is sometimes also used to indicate that the value of the expression to the right of the equal sign is to be transferred to the location indicated by the expression to the left of the equal sign. The expression to the left of the equal sign is usually a single variable that represents a memory location.