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The term has a couple of meanings, mostly is means when someone is saying something they think you want to hear or isn't true and want you to believe it.

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Q: What does the expression blowing smoke mean?
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What does blowing on that loud mean?

Smoke weed.

How do you stop diesel engine blowing smoke on starting?

why do u want it to stop blowing smoke man! blowing smoke is awsome and manly, and show power! be proud that your blowing smoke!

What does blowing in the clouds mean on craigslist?

It would be street slang for smoking meth. Because you exhale a huge cloud of smoke, hence the term blowing in the clouds.

Your 2009 Chevy is blowing out white smoke and overheating what does this mean?

Sounds like a bad head gasket

An electric train is going south but the wind is blowing westward Which direction will the smoke from the train be blowing?

u will figure out if it is electric it doesnt have smoke

What is wrong with your Ford F-350 when it is blowing black smoke and it wont start?

Blowing black smoke is indicative of an oil leak in the engine.

99 7.3 no power and blowing white smoke?

in a diesel engine, no power and blowing white smoke, indicates a bad turbo on the engine

Can you drive a diesel engine blowing white smoke?

You can drive a diesel engine, or any other type, blowing any colour smoke you wish. Though it is pretty foolish to smoke

What does blow trees mean?

"Blow trees" is slang for smoking marijuana or getting high. It refers to exhaling smoke, which resembles wind blowing through trees.

What actors and actresses appeared in Blowing Smoke - 2007?

The cast of Blowing Smoke - 2007 includes: Mark Anthony Spagnuolo as Harry Kelly Boylan as Amy

Does blowing marijuana smoke in your nose get you high?

If you inhale and the smoke reaches lungs then it gets eventually to your brain , so the answer is yes you will get high by blowing it in your nose

If a steam train is going east which direction is the smoke blowing?

there is no smoke its a steam train