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Q: What does the expression l w l w represent in math?
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How do you simplify an expression for the perimeter and area of a rectangle?

Represent the length of the rectangle by L and the width by W. The perimeter = 2L + 2W = 2(L + W). The area = L x W.

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As a term of an expression in math, 72w means 7 times w

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In math if you have a length and it is 8 and width is 11 what is the perimeter and area?

P = 2 (L + W) and A = L x W

What does each of the variables in these formulas represent?

It can represent formulas like A=L×W etc...

When a rectangular sheet of metal is heated its length and breath increase by 10 percent Calculate the overall percentage increase in area?

21% Area = length*width Let Aoriginal represent the original area and Aheated represent the area of the rectangle after heating. Let l and w represent the original length and width of the rectangle. Because l and w increase by 10% on heating, we have the following: Aheated = (1.10*l)(1.1*w)=1.21(l*w) Because Aoriginal = l*w, Aheated =1.21(l*w)=1.21*Aoriginal So the area of the rectangle increases by 21% upon heating.

What expression represents the perimeter of the rectangle 15 ft wide 25 ft length?

P=(L+W)x2 Where P = Perimeter, L=Length and W=Width.

Which expression describes the area in square units of a rectanlge that has a width of and the length of?

L x W

How do you find the length and width of a rectangle when the perimeter and area are given?

it cannot be solved------------------------------------------------Actually, you can. Suppose, as an example, that the rectangle's area and perimeter are 6 and 10 respectively. Let therectangles length and width be represented by L and W respectively. ThenLW = 6 (a) and2 ( L + W ) = 10 (b)Let me rearrange (b) to obtain an expression for W: W = 5 - L.Now let me substitute this expression for W in (a): L ( 5 - L ) = 6.This is a quadratic equation that one can solve for L. Let me do it by factoring,L^2 - 5 L + 6 = 0 = ( L - 2 ) ( L - 3 )This implies that L=2 or L=3. With L=2, W=3; with L=3, W=2. Put simply the rectangle's length and width are 3 and 2 respectively.

The perimeter of a rectangular playing field is 244 feet If its length is 2 feet longer than twice its width what are the dimensions of the field?

The answer is W=40 and L=82 If you're wondering how to solve it, then let "P" represent perimeter "L" represent length and "W" represent width. P=2L+2W L=2W+2 244=2(2W+2)+2W 244=4W+4+2W 244=6W+4 6W=244 244/6W= W=40 Now plug the 40 in for w in: L=2W+2 L=2(40)+2 L=80+2 L=82 final answer: L=82 and W=40

How do you write an algebraic expression for the perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 7 ft longer than the width?

L = lengthW = widthL = W + 7andPerimeter = 2*(W + L)soPerimeter = 2*(W + (W + 7)) = 2*(2W + 7) = 4W + 14