I found nothing that refers to a mile-stone, but perhaps you are asking about a millstone. Matthew 18:6; Jesus is speaking on a parable about children. He says,"But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble (sin) , it would be better for him to have a great millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea." Jesus is telling his listeners to guard the innocence of children or face a severe consequence. Jesus relates punishment for harming children by tying a millstone around the offender's neck to drown them. A millstone is a large flat stone weighing as much as a ton or more, which is used in a grist mill to pulverize wheat or other grain into flour for baking bread, etc.
Radical neck dissection is a surgical operation used to remove cancerous tissue in the head and neck.
The purpose of radical neck dissection is to remove lymph nodes and other structures in the head and neck that are likely or proven to be malignant.
After massaging one side of the neck, the massage will be repeated on the other side. Both sides of the neck are never massaged at the same time.
No se. (:
It should be millstone, and it means you are carrying a load you can do without.
what is the thing viking people put round there neck
The Bible verse you may be referring to is Matthew 18:6, which states, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” This verse emphasizes the severity of causing harm or leading astray the innocent and vulnerable.
I found nothing that refers to a mile-stone, but perhaps you are asking about a millstone. Matthew 18:6; Jesus is speaking on a parable about children. He says,"But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble (sin) , it would be better for him to have a great millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea." Jesus is telling his listeners to guard the innocence of children or face a severe consequence. Jesus relates punishment for harming children by tying a millstone around the offender's neck to drown them. A millstone is a large flat stone weighing as much as a ton or more, which is used in a grist mill to pulverize wheat or other grain into flour for baking bread, etc.
I think you might mean "Bottle Neck". It's an expression which often describes the flow of traffic, where a wider road is condensed into a smaller one, slowing down the flow of vehicles. Think of a beer bottle to understand the expression: the body of the bottle is wider, whereas the neck of the bottle is much slimmer and smaller in diameter. If you tip the bottle upside down, liquid will only flow out as fast as the smallest part of the bottle will allow.
Round the neck
It depends what sort of strap you mean because if it's a strap that goes round the horses neck to help unable or nervous riders then that is a neck strap. If it is something else then I am sorry I can't help you, Hope this helps Jade
A necklace usually, though its also possible to wear a scarf around your neck.
what fruit grows round a pokemons neck(i don't know what the Pokemon is sorry)
do you possibly mean give head? that means to give oral sex to a male