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Q: What does the less than and greater than symbols mean with an underscore?
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What does less than or greater than mean?

it means the signs you use in math. less than <. greater than >

Is two kilometers greater than less than or equal to 2 m?

It depends what you mean by m. If you mean metres, then it is greater than it. If you mean miles, then it is less than it.

What do math symbols mean before or after?

<=less than >=greater than Example 5<=6 3>=2 3>=3

How are greater than and less than signs mean?

They mean that the expression to the left of the sign is greater than or less than (as appropriate) the expression to the right of the sign.

Can the mean be less than the standard deviation?

In general, a mean can be greater or less than the standard deviation.

What is the opposite of underscore?

Synonyms for underscore include emphasize, accentuate, highlight, intensify, stress, underline, advertize, stress, spotlight etc. Opposites to these different words can therefore serve, to different extends, as opposites to underscore. But two are particularly as they appear to mean the same as underscore, i.e., "understate" and "downplay"!

Does up to mean greater than or equal to or less than or equal to?

Less than or equal to

Is -3 18 greater or less than 3.125?

If you mean -318 then it is less than 3.125

What angles are greater than ninety but less than eighteen?

You mean: What angles are greater than 90, but less than 180. These are obtuse angles

What doese it mean when you have to classify the angles greater then 90 or less then 90?

An angle greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees is acute An angle greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees is obtuse

Is negative 3 greater then or less then 2?

No, because if something is negative mean that it's less than