1) A famous mathematician.
2) The word is often used for the relationship a2 + b2 = c2. This applies to a right triangle, assuming "c" is the longest side (the side opposite the right angle).
Pythagoras is born in 500 AD he is greek he make triangle problems for maths to make maths more boring
Maths day is celebrated due to it being made by important people like this Greek mathematican called Pythagoras of Samos. He invented The maths 'Pythagoras Theroem'. We celebrate it to remember who made maths a important subject.
A formula with an equal sign
Trigonometry and the Pythagoras theorem were used in the pyramids.
Pythagoras is born in 500 AD he is greek he make triangle problems for maths to make maths more boring
Term to Term rule in Maths is how much you go up or down in. e.g 1,2,3,4,5,6 would be +1
no, Pythagoras don't want to be famous because he only want to improve maths
Maths day is celebrated due to it being made by important people like this Greek mathematican called Pythagoras of Samos. He invented The maths 'Pythagoras Theroem'. We celebrate it to remember who made maths a important subject.
It is not a mathematical term - it is not specific enough.
A formula with an equal sign
Trigonometry and the Pythagoras theorem were used in the pyramids.
It is a term used it probability which mean the frequency of something occuring
Pythagoras invented the theorem and gave us the relationship between the radius and diameter of a circle to it circumference.