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equilibrium constant

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Q: What does the negative sign in the dissociation constant mean?
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Is a minus sign a negative sign?

No it is not because 8-5 does not mean that the 5 is a negative sign but my weird mom thinks it is.

Why do 2 minus signs make a plus sign?

The - sign means negative so -- would mean negative negative and 2 negatives make a positive. hope this makes sense

What does the - sign mean before a number?

It means that the number is negative. Negative numbers are always under 0.

What is measured by the sign of a z-score?

The sign of the z score is negative if the observation was below the mean and positive if it was greater.

Does the negative sign come before or after the dollar sign?

Does the negative sign come before or after the dollar sign?The negative sign comes before the dollar sign.

What does constant expression mean?

In Algerbra, an expression is a math sentence, such as 5y+3x, that does not have an equal sign. When you include the equal sign it becomes equation.

Which are the positive and negative?

The ones with the + sign are positive. The ones with the - sign are negative.

What does the word zero pairs mean?

A pair of numbers with a positive and negative sign where the sum is zero

What does it mean if your account has a minus sign?

IT most likely means that your overdrawn on your account and its at a negative balance.

What do you mean by negative sign in the rotation of venus?

venus rotates backwards in relation to the other planets

If the mean of a normal distribution is negative what is the varience?

The variance is always positive. The variance is not directly related to the sign (nor magnitude) of the mean.

What does the negative and positive sign mean on the butane lighters?

Moving a screw or control towards the + increases the size of the flame, the - sign decreases the flame size.