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It is the number of degrees of that angle.

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Q: What does the number 5 inside the top of a triangle mean?
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What does an inverted triangle inside of a circle mean?

It means just what is written. It is an image that contains both a circle and in inverted triangle. The inverted triangle is inside the circle. See below for an triangle examples. Below is a "normal triangle" has a wide base on the bottom of the image: (Disregard the "." characters. They are only there for spacing purposes.) ......./\ ....../_\ ...../__\ ..../___\ .../____\ ../_____\ ./______\ /_______\ Below is an "inverted triangle" has a wide base on the top of the image: (Disregard the "." characters. They are only there for spacing purposes.) _________ \ _______/ .\______/ ...\____/ ... \___/ ......\_/ .......\/

How to find the attitude of a triangle?

If you mean "altitude", and by that you mean the height of the top of the triangle above its base, then draw a line from the top of the triangle to the base, at right angles to the base, and measure that line. Alternately, the height of a triangle above its base is twice the area divided by the base length.

How do you find the area of a triangle with the answer of 36?

first you would find the base (the bottom of the triangle ). Then you would need to find the length of the triangle (measure the top of the triangle all the way to the top point to the bottom of the triangle) then times the two number than divide the answer times 2 and you should get your answer

What does the symbol that looks like an equal sign with a triangle on top of it mean?

It means "defined as."

Why is the number 4 shaped like an upside down h?

It has to do with the original shapes of numbers. Originally it was not open at the top. Number shapes as we use them come from the number of inside angles they has. 0 had none, 1 had 1, 2 had 2, and so on. Look at the 4 the way it is shaped in this sentence. it has 3 inside angles in the top portion and 1 made by the tail that drops below the triangle that makes the top portion. the original shapes of all the numbers follows a similar pattern.

What does 7421 A B11 inside the op of a toilet tank mean?

It means that you have a "Briggs" toilet tank, for which the number on the top piece of it is 7421 A B11.

What does the top number and the bottem number of a fraction mean?

The top number is the numerator and the bottom number is the denominator.

What does the roman numeral mcmx111 mean on the inside box top of camel cigarettes mean?

The number indicates 1913. What the code represents is not known.

What is the area of an equillatoral triangle?

The area of ANY triangle can be found using the formula: Area = Base of triangle * (1/2) * Height of triangle The height of a triangle is measured from the "bottom", or base of the triangle straight up to the top "corner". This measurement is inside the triangle. For example: An equilateral triangle has all 3 sides the same. (See the word equal?) Using your numbers, plug them into the formula and figure out what the area of your triangle is.

How do you find a Schubert piano serial number?

Inside at the top center

What does triangular number mean?

Triangluar numbers or triangle numbers are numbers formed from the summation of all the numbers smaller than them. The first few triangle numbers are 1,3,6,10,15,21... If you think of a pyramid with a base of two blocks, and one on top, there are three blocks. If you add a base of three to that pyramid, you have six blocks. Then ten, and fifteen and so on. That is why they are called Triangle numbers.

What does the number on top of the symbol mean in the periodic table?

It is the Atomic Number.