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Exponential growth implies that the rate of growth increases as time passes.

So, it's not that "one cell" becomes "two cells" in two seconds and "three cells" in three seconds - that's linear growth.

If you plot a chart of "Number of cells" against "Time" or "Number of cycles", the number of cells increases with a ratio greater than 1:1 each time unit or cycle.

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Q: What does the rate of growth do during exponential growth?
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During exponential growth the rate of growth?

Is continually increasing

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When individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate it is called?

When individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate, it is called an exponential growth. Populations generally experience this growth under ideal conditions.

What is the origin of exponential growth?

Exponential growth does not have an origin: it occurs in various situations in nature. For example if the rate of growth in something depends on how big it is, then you have exponential growth.

In the exponential model of population growth the growth rate?

In the exponential model of population growth, the growth rate remains constant over time. This means that the population increases by a fixed percentage during each time interval, leading to accelerating growth over time.

When can exponential growth?

when there is no competition When there are unlimited resources- Apex Exponential growth can happen anytime when the rate of the growth is increasing along with an increase in growth.

What is Exponential growth phase of microbial growth?

Exponential growth phase is the period during microbial growth when the population is rapidly increasing at a constant rate. During this phase, cells are actively dividing and producing new cells, leading to a steep incline in the population size. This phase is characterized by optimal growth conditions and abundant nutrients.

When exponential growth happen?

when there is no competition When there are unlimited resources- Apex Exponential growth can happen anytime when the rate of the growth is increasing along with an increase in growth.

When can exponential happen?

when there is no competition When there are unlimited resources- Apex Exponential growth can happen anytime when the rate of the growth is increasing along with an increase in growth.

What does exponential growth refer to in Mathematics?

Exponential growth in mathematics refers to how the growth rate of a value is proportional to the current value. Therefore, as the current value increases, the growth rate increases by a larger amount each time.

What is exponential growth?

Exponential Growth is when the growth rate of a mathematical function is proportional to the function's current value. Exponential growth is when an animal or whatever object increasing at an increasing rate. For example 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 etc. This is exponential growth because it is multiple by a consistent number, or two. The key part is that is it multipled not added which would be lineal growth.

Definition of exponential growth?

the definition is when individuals in a reproduce at a constant rate