X is the roman numeral for 10 and L represents the roman numeral for a quarter of the numerals that appear before it. So in this case the numeral before the L is X, and so a quarter of 10 is 2.5. Therefore, the roman numeral for XL would stand for 12.5 in modern day numbers.
Improved Answer:-
XL = 40
11:00Improve Answer:-XL = 40
It is: XL = 40
XL equals 40.
The Roman numeral XLVI equals 46. (XL = 10 from 50, V = 5, I = 1)
XL = 40
It is: XL which means 50-10 = 40
The roman numeral CCXL represents the number 240.
The roman numeral XL represents the number 40.
40 is XL