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It is a measure of the component of the velocity of the object in the direction towards or away from the reference point (the origin). It takes no account of the object's velocity in the transverse direction. It is, therefore, not a measure of the object's speed or velocity.

For example, the distance of an object going around in a circle about the origin is a constant. So the slope of the distance vs time graph will be 0. But the speed of the object is NOT 0 (nor is its velocity 0).

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Q: What does the slope of distance vs Time graph indicate about an object motion?
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What does a speed time graph indicate about an object's motion?

A distance time graph would show the distance traveled.

What does the slope of a distance vs time graph indicate about an object's motion?

instantaneous velocity

How would you show motion of an object on a line graph?

To show motion of an object on a line graph, you can plot the position of the object on the y-axis against time on the x-axis. The slope of the line connecting the points on the graph represents the speed of the object. Steeper slopes indicate faster motion, while flatter slopes indicate slower motion.

Does a vertical line on a distance time graph indicate that an object is stationary?

Object will change distance time graph when speed is changing. Distance time graph don't changed indicate of the stationary.

What does a horizontal slope of a distance versus time graph indicate about an objects motion?

It is a measure of speed of the object, but only in the radial direction: that is, towards or away from the point from which distance is measured. The object could be going around that point in circular motion and the graph would show absolutely nothing.

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For uniform motion, the distance-time graph is a straight line because the object covers equal distances in equal time intervals. For non-uniform motion, the distance-time graph is curved because the object covers unequal distances in equal time intervals or equal distances in unequal time intervals.

You can show the motion of an object on a line graph in which you plot distance against?

you can show motion by distance against time

What is the nature of distance time graph for uniform motion of an object?

the distance time graph will show a linear or a straight line

What is the nature of the distance time graph for uniform motion of an object?

The distance-time graph for uniform motion of an object is a straight line with a constant slope. This indicates that the object is covering equal distances in equal time intervals, showing a constant speed.

Which variables show the motion of an object on a line graph?

If the motion of the object in in n-dimensional space, then an n+1 dimensional graph, in which one axis shows the time and the remaining n dimensions are the coordinates of the object at that point in time. The wrong answer is a distance-time graph, since that does not show any radial motion. An object going round in a circle around the origin is at a constant distance and so a distance-time graph would show no motion which is certainly not true.

What does the slope of a distance uersus time graph show you about the motion of an object?


What is the meaning of the area enclosed on the velocity vs time graph?

The area enclosed on a velocity vs time graph represents the displacement or distance traveled by an object. Positive areas indicate motion in one direction, while negative areas indicate motion in the opposite direction. The greater the area, the greater the total displacement.