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Q: What does the symbol that looks like a 3 mean?
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Why is the symbol for heart 3 a point?

On a standard keyboard there is no real symbol for a heart. People have found if you use a < and a 3 it sort of looks like a heart on its side. <3

What is the name chemical symbol and greek symbol for the 3 decay particles?

Alpha (ɑ - looks like a), beta (β - looks like b), and gamma, (Θ, θ, looks sort of like an 8 but more rounded), use your keyboard and set font to 'symbols' to see them).

What does the symbol mean on the display of my 2000 Corvette that looks like a camcorder. It appears next to the number 3 on the display panel.?

symbols in pictures or paintings symbols in pictures or paintings

What does a mathematical symbol that looks like the letter u mean?

That letter stands for the prefix "micro" and means the quantity is smaller by 10^-6. e.g. 3 u meters = 3*10^-6 meters.

What is the Meaning of Jeff Hardy's symbol on his necklace Does it mean something inspiring?

Its an "H" standing for The Hardyz. the right side of the necklace that looks like a 3 stands for Jeff, Matt and their father.

How do you plug your iPod into your stereo?

there is a whole for your headphones and another whole that looks just like it with a circle and 3 lines on it for the symbol

What does a warning symbol on dash mean looks like a coil on a Renault clio?

immobilizer , this will go off after 3 seconds if immobilizer is used before turning the ignition otherwise it will flash and the car wont start

What does three backward 3 mean in gang symbol?

A backwards 3 can mean an E. If this is the case it would be used in words like Hello --> H3llo

How do you make a heart symbol on the computer?

first of all it is symbole with an e and second like this....... <3 if you shift on the comma it looks like this key < and then press three 3 <3 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

What does 3 6's mean in naruto?

The only thing I can think of that's even close is the 'magatama' symbol which looks like a 9 or a 6 depending on which way it is positioned. They're beads, or decorations for clothing and don't necessarily represent anything.

How do you write a biography of a sim on The Sims 3?

When you are in Create-A-Sim mode, under Personalities, under Favourites, there will be a symbol. The symbol looks like a piece of paper. Then it will open up a window titled "Biography. There, you write the biography.

How do you make a broken heart symbol?

If U wanna do it, You have to make a < ,, thdn u put a \ then u put a 3 except like this <\3 HOPE IT WORKS BECAUSE IT WORKED FOR ME