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Q: What does the unit rate represent?
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What is the unit rate for 35 hours in 5 days?

You are supposed to divide the number of hours by the number of days. The result (the unit rate) means how many hours you worked (or whatever the hours represent) per day.

What is the rate of energy measured in?

The rate of energy is typically measured in watts (W), which represent the rate at which energy is transferred or used per unit of time. Another common unit for energy rate is kilowatts (kW), which is equal to 1000 watts.

What is a rate that's in which the second quantity in the comparison is one unit?

It is a unit rate.A unit rate.

What do you do if an unit rate has a remainder?

A unit rate cannot have a remainder. A unit rate is a ration that has the unit as one and the rate has to be equal. If not, you either did a calculation mistake or the ratio is not a unit rate.

Can a unit rate be a rate?

Yes, a unit rate can be a decimal

What rate has a denominator of one unit?

It is one form of a unit rate.

How can a rate be written as a unit rate?

Unit Rates ... Is the rate for one unit of a given quantity. Unit means one .

What is a unit rate with denominator of 1 unit?

It is the definition of a unit rate.

What is the rate that work is performed?

The rate at which work is performed is typically measured in watts, which represent the amount of work done per unit of time. It can also be measured in horsepower, which is another unit of power. The higher the wattage or horsepower, the faster work is being performed.

What is the rate per one unit?

It is known as the unit rate.It is known as the unit rate.It is known as the unit rate.It is known as the unit rate.

What is a short definition of the word unit rate?

The rate for unit of a given quanitity called the unit rate.

What is A rate that has the denominator of 1 unit?

It is a unit rate.