Usually it means average. If you don't understand average, then its a simple math term that adds up all the numbers and divide by the number of numbers there are.
EX: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Step 1 add them : 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 55
Step 2: divide 55\10 = 5.5
Done :D
The word power is another word for exponents
Solution is a fancy word for "answer" haa so basically its asking is blank the answer? ex. Find the Solution Find the Answer Both same thing
the smallest numberIt means the smallest number
Its another word for subtracting one number from the other.
"And" usually refers to the process of addition. It can be another word for "plus."
in math terms reduce means to simplify
not negative
The word power is another word for exponents
The word increased in a math problem means you are adding to terms or numbers.
"Attributes" is another word for properties.
Circumference is like the perimeter of a circle.
Solution is a fancy word for "answer" haa so basically its asking is blank the answer? ex. Find the Solution Find the Answer Both same thing
Usually addition. 4 and 3 = 4 + 3
A number that reads the same backwards and forwards.
the smallest numberIt means the smallest number
Its another word for subtracting one number from the other.
"And" usually refers to the process of addition. It can be another word for "plus."