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Q: What does this equal to -4ad - 8bc?
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What is 12abc plus 8bc - 20ab?

In its most simplified form: = 12abc + 8bc - 20ab = 4b(3ac + 2c - 5a) = 4b[(c + 5/3)(3a + 2) - 10/3]

How many years were there between 5 BC and 5 AD?

All of each of 5BC, 4BC, 3BC, 2BC, 1BC, 1AD, 2AD, 3AD, 4AD, so 9 Or, you might mean 4BC ........... 4AD so 8

Born in 8BC dies in 23 AD how old?

30, because their was no year zero

How many years between 40bc and 4ad?

Remembering that there was no year zero, there were 43 years between 40 BC and 4 AD.

Did Hera really have a temple?

Yes, it is also known as The Heraion, in Olympia, Greece. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 4AD. The site of The Temple of Hera is where the Olympic Torch is lit.

When was socks first made?

The earliest known example is from ancient Greece, around 8BC. However, it is likely socks date back to prehistory because having wet feet is really terrible.

When was the first sock made?

The earliest known example is from ancient Greece, around 8BC. However, it is likely socks date back to prehistory because having wet feet is really terrible.

What centuary is 4ad?

the first century. AD is after death, and anything up to 99 AD is the first century. then comes the second, third, fourth, etc. (technically we live in the 21st century AD).

Who is Gaius Maecenas?

Gaius Maecenas (70BC-8BC) was a rich and powerful Roman and close colleague of Octavian, who became Emperor Augustus. His is best remembered for sponsoring the arts and was patron (financial supporter) of many of the "Augustan" poets.

What does 8bc mean on a fire extinguisher?

It means you have a fire extinguisher for a Class B fire (flammable liquids), large enough to extinguish a puddle up to 8 square feet, using a chemical that is not conductive and thus safe for a Class C fire (electrically energized), and that it has been rated under UL or other similar standards.

How is Rubidium separated from other materials with it?

Rubidium can be separated from other materials using processes such as fractional crystallization, ion exchange chromatography, or solvent extraction. These methods rely on exploiting the unique chemical properties of rubidium, such as its solubility characteristics or affinity for certain extraction compounds, to separate it efficiently from other materials.