That's the top number in a fraction.
it means a number on top of the divide line.
a parellelogram in math is a 4-sided figure that the top and bottom sides are parelell and the sides are parelell.
It means sunken in. If the top of a stone is concave, it can hold rainwater.'Convex' means swollen out. If the top of a stone is convex, water rolls off.
what does key mean in math
That's the top number in a fraction.
the top number of a fraction
it means a number on top of the divide line.
a parellelogram in math is a 4-sided figure that the top and bottom sides are parelell and the sides are parelell.
TAGI = Top Always Goes Inside for Math :D
The Numerator is the top number in a fraction. In the fraction 1/2, "1" is the numerator.
An Improper Fraction is when the top number is bigger than the bottom number
An Improper Fraction is when the top number is bigger than the bottom number
it means something great and top fave to grades
What does length mean in math
It means sunken in. If the top of a stone is concave, it can hold rainwater.'Convex' means swollen out. If the top of a stone is convex, water rolls off.
Reduce is subtraction. You have two numbers one on the top and one on the bottom which is making it be reduced also smaller.