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It means the same in science as anywhere else. Unbiased means to show no prejudice for or against something.

In the context of science, it means or suggests that the people involved have no vested interest of any kind in a study having one outcome rather than another. They are disinterested. This doesn't mean that they are not enthused about being part of the study. It means that they will get not particular benefit and will suffer no loss whatever the outcome happens to be. It can also refer to the development of a study's parameters. I could, for example, create an experiment where only two possible outcomes are possible, and the forcing of possibilities leads to a badly skewed interpretation of the outcome data.

In the context of probability and statistics, it means that parts of a process that are assumed to be random are indeed random, without even a mathematical factor that sways results in one direction or another. An unbiased estimate is one that is mathematically sound.

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Q: What does unbiased mean in science?
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Hi: Do you mean 'ballots'? Ballads are songs. : /

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Only if you make it unbiased. Samples can be weird. If you make it unbiased, then yes.

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