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Q: What does unequal chest expansion mean?
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What does widening of the chest mean?

Barrel chest is common in patients with COPD. The chest expansion is the compensation of the body for the needed oxygen.

What Chest expansion measurement at different levels?

in which level we check chest expension measurement

Why do you have chest pains when you yawn?

Perhaps because your Thorax is at maximum expansion.

How does the expansion of the chest wall expand the lungs during inspiration?

the air goes up to the chest cavity. Hope this helps you!

What happens to the volume of your chest cavity when you enhale?

When you inhale, the volume of your chest cavity increases. This expansion lowers the pressure inside your chest relative to the outside air, allowing air to rush in and fill your lungs. This process is driven by the contraction of the diaphragm and the expansion of the ribcage.

How temperature weather rocks?

Rocks expand due to heat and contract due to cold. Thus, due to unequal expansion and contraction ,the rocks tend to break and get weathered. Rocks expand due to heat and contract due to cold. Thus, due to unequal expansion and contraction ,the rocks tend to break and get weathered.

When someone breathes in what part of their body moves?

Breathing in requires expansion of the chest.

The contraction of the diaphragm and rib muscles and expansion of the chest cavity are part of which process?


What does the terms oblique sketch mean?

Unequal Sides

What does territorial expansion mean?

an expansion of land

What happens to your chest when you breathe in?

When you breathe in, your chest expands as the diaphragm muscles contract and move downward. This creates more space in the chest cavity, allowing the lungs to expand and fill with air. The expansion of the chest is essential for the process of inhalation.

What is paradoxical movement of the chest?

Paradoxical chest movement is also know as flail chest and is usually caused by trauma to the chest. If a person suffers from broken ribs or punctured lungs, the air movement is reversed. Instead of chest expansion on inhalation, you will notice the skin being sucked in.