The Roman numerals VV VVV can be simplified to X XV and converted into Hindu-Arabic numerals are 10 and 15 respectively.
Those Roman Numerals mean 1991.
it means 1,150 in roman numerals
988 = CMLXXXVIII in Roman numerals
Not a valid sequence for Roman numerals
The Roman numerals VV VVV can be simplified to X XV and converted into Hindu-Arabic numerals are 10 and 15 respectively.
For the same reason why we don't normally use LL for 100 or DD for 1000 instead we use C and M respectively in Roman numerals and so therefore it follows that VV is normally notated as X for 10.
Those Roman Numerals mean 1991.
it means 1,150 in roman numerals
988 = CMLXXXVIII in Roman numerals
Not a valid sequence for Roman numerals
It does not mean anything because it is an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals
"D" in Roman Numerals equals 500.
In Roman numerals, it means N M C.
Roman numerals don't have a 0 symbol and so it is an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals
1837 is the equivalent of MDCCCXXXVII in Roman numerals
mcmxcvii means 1997 in roman numerals.