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Q: What does when your thirteen in our neighborhood you know the score mean?
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What does When your thirteen in your neighborhood you know the score mean?

you know everyting about everything else

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In order to know the z-score, given a test score, you must also know the mean and the standard deviation. Please restate the question.

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Lean Mean Thirteen has 486 pages.

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What it means to the rest of the world.You are thirteen the number thirteen.

When was Lean Mean Thirteen created?

Lean Mean Thirteen was created on 2007-06-19.

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I dont know what exactly 667 is but a credit score is rated on how good your credit/debit card use is, EG: your credit score is Good

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well i know that a score is equal to 20 years

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The thirteen stripes represents the thirteen colonies

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the thirteen stripes represents the thirteen colonies of america

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If the Z Score of a test is equal to zero then the raw score of the test is equal to the mean. Z Score = (Raw Score - Mean Score) / Standard Deviation

When you score approacaching basic on ileap does that mean you pass are failed?

i think that it mean pass because i really dont know if it mean pass are falied

How do you write thirteen thousands as a decimals?

If you mean thirteen thousandths, it would be written 0.013.