

What does x- axsis mean?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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12y ago

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an x Axis is the fancy name for the horizontal line on the bottom of a bar graph

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The y axis is the vertical one, the one going up and down.

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If you mean -(x^2) * x then the answer is -x^3 if you mean (-x)^2 * x then the answer is x^3

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If you mean -(x^2) * x then the answer is -x^3 if you mean (-x)^2 * x then the answer is x^3

How do you factorise x squared minus x 7?

The answer to this depends on what you mean by "x 7" If you mean: x2 -7x, then it can be factored out as x(x - 7) If you mean: x2 - x7, then you can factor it out as: x2(1 - x5) If you mean: x2 - x + 7, then it can not be factored If you mean: (x2 - x)7, then the inner term can be factored, giving you (x[x - 1])7 If you mean something else, then you will need to be more clear with your question.

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