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"Square" means to times it itself twice. For example, if I were to square 3, it would be 3 x 3. If I were to square four, it would be 4 x 4. Now, to provide a little more information, "cubed" means to times itself three times. So if I were to cube 3, it would be 3 x 3 x 3. If I were to cube four, it would mean 4 x 4 x 4. These are called exponents. Exponents are numbers above the base. Typing, it would be, take 3, for example, 3^2 if you wanted it to be squared. If it would be cubed, it would be typed as 3^3. The first number is the main number, or the base, and the second number, or exponent, is how many to times the base by. For example, 3^2 would mean 3 x 3. The exponent, in writing, would be in smaller text hovering next to the base, just as if you were to write 3rd.

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