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Q: What even number is between 380 and 390 that if you add 3 digits the answer is 15?
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What is the median between 35 and 380?

The median is the middle number when the numbers are listed in order; if there is an even number of numbers, the median is the mean of the middle two. 35,380 - two numbers - two is even, therefore median is the mean of the middle two, ie the mean of 35 and 380: median = (35 + 380) ÷ 2 = 207.5

What numbers between 380 and 410 are divisible by 2 5 and 10?

380 and 410

How many significant digits are in 380 miles?

Two. The zero is a placeholder.

What number is halfway between 28 and 380?

Simply calculate the average of the two numbers.

Is 380 even or odd?


What is the average of 380?

The average of a single number is the number itself. So 380.

What can be multiplied by 380?

Any number can be multiplied by 380.

How many people can Airbus 380 hold?

Between 525 and 850, depending on a number of things.

Round off 380 to the nearest hundreds?

Many households have a microwave oven, a dishwasher, and other electric appliances. The main functions of a kitchen are to store, prepare and cook food (and to complete related tasks such as dishwashing). The room or area may also be used for dining (or small meals such as breakfast), entertaining and laundry.

What number subtracted by 649 equals 380?

1029 - 649 = 380 649 - 269 = 380

What number is 35 percent of 380?

It is: 35% of 380 = 133

What does 380 volts between phases mean?

You cannot have 380 V between 'phases'. You can, on the other hand, have 380 V 'between lines'! '380 V between lines' refers to the voltage measured between any pair of line conductors in a three-phase system.