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Q: What exponential function has a growth factor of one half?
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The bacteria population has an exponential growth with a factor of 16 per hour. The growth factor has to be determined for the population change each half hour.

How can you use logarithmic and exponential equations and properties to solve half-life and logistic growth scenarios?

For an exponential function: General equation of exponential decay is A(t)=A0e^-at The definition of a half-life is A(t)/A0=0.5, therefore: 0.5 = e^-at ln(0.5)=-at t= -ln(0.5)/a For exponential growth: A(t)=A0e^at Find out an expression to relate A(t) and A0 and you solve as above

Is an exponential decay function represent a quantity that has a constant halving time?

A quantity is said to be subject to exponential decay if it decreases at a rate proportional to its value. The time required for the decaying quantity to fall to one half of its initial value.Radioactive decay is a good example where the half life is constant over the entire decay time.In non-exponential decay, half life is not constant.

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Tha half life of an atom is 50 years what is a possible exponential function for this decay?

A possible exponential decay function for this scenario would be P(t) = P0 * (0.5)^(t/50), where P(t) is the amount remaining after time t, P0 is the initial amount, and t is the time passed in years. This formula represents the decay of a substance with a half-life of 50 years.

What is a half to the power of five in exponential notation?


Can an exponential decay model have negative y values?

An exponential function can have negative y-values. However, a real-world exponential decay model will never have negative values. Think of it this way... If you divide a positive number by 2 (or take half of it) and then divide that next number by 2, you will never reach or go below 0. For Example: 20, 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.625, 0.3125, etc. (Each number is half of the number before it.)

How is the half-life of a radioactive isotope found?

The half life of actinium (for the natural isotope 227Ac) is 21,773 years.

The half-life of a certain radioactive material is 75 days An initial amount of the material has a mass of 381 kg Write an exponential function that models the decay of this material Find how much?

The exponential function that models the decay of the material is given by ( f(t) = 381 \times (0.5)^{\frac{t}{75}} ), where ( t ) is the time in days. To find how much material is left after ( t ) days, plug in the desired value of ( t ) into the function.

In chemistry what is a half life?

A half-life is the time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample of a radioactive substance to decay. It is a constant characteristic of each radioactive isotope and is used to determine the rate of decay of a substance.

Does a star have a half life?

Not really, a half-life is applied to substances on a steady exponential decay. Stars have more dramatic life histories so the concept of a half-life is not really applicable.

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