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what factors do you think the prime minister takes into account when appointing the members of the cabinet

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Q: What factors do you think the prime minister takes into account when appointing the members of Cabinet?
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What factors did you take into account to decide the number of wheels you chose in your design?

wieght hieght etc

Why is variance a poor measure of risk?

One definite drawback is that it is usually derived based on historical data and does not take into account future factors.

Is A distribution is noticeably bimodal if the means of each distribution are separated by at least one standard deviation?

This could be a bimodal. There are many other factors that would have to be taken into account as well.

What is the formula of population growth?

There is no simple formula for population growth. Some of the factors that you need to take account of are: Emigration rates Immigration rates Demographics Age-specific fertility rates Death rates

Is savings account interest accrued and posted monthly?

It depends on the terms and conditions etc of the type of savings account. Some savings accounts have interest calculated monthly (on daily balances), and credit the amount of interest to the account monthly. Others do an annual calculation of interest, also based on daily cleared balances, but only credit the account once a year. If interest is credited each month, each subsequent month you also get interest on the interest previously credited to the account. Alternately, if the interest is paid/credited only annually, the sum credited is the total interest for the year. Interest rates are quoted taking these factors into account. An account which credits interest monthly will always pay a slightly lower Gross rate of interest than an account that has an annual interest period. This is to take account of the fact that the return on an account where the balance is increasing monthly (due to interest being added each month) will always give a higher return in the year compared to an an account with the same Gross interest rate, but which is calculated and credited only once a year.

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There are a number of factors which the Prime Minister must consider when he or she is selecting the cabinet: * provincial representation * cultural representation * religious representation * economic representation * gender representation * minority representation * party loyalty * past performance of the MP * personal loyalty to the Prime Minister

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What are the characteristics of parliamentary system?

Parliamentry form of government is the most favourable system in the entire world and its brilliant attributes are as under:formation of cabinetIn the very first prloceding of legislature,the PM nominates his cabinet members keeping in view certain factors. In Pakistan, one forth ministers are always take from senate. the list is presented before the president, for his approval. they are commonly taken from the party's leadership. well experienced and learend members are given preference and it is because of the nature of the parliamentry system.Team workin this system all ministers work in a team spirit. they must agree on an issue before the cabinet or in-case of different opinion, the minister concerned must resign and all such differences must be kept secret. they either swim togehter or sink togehter. all cabinet members are like the stars.supermacy of the prime ministerin ministerial system, the prime minister is of prime importance and has too much power. in legislature he is the leader of the house while in executive he is the leader of the council of ministeres. he supervises the acticities of his minister and acts as a bridge between the cabinet and the president. on his resignaton,the council of ministers must resign. he/she is like a shining moon among the stars.political responsibilitycabinet is collectivily responsibile before the ligeslatuer. activitiy of the cabinet can be questioned and checked by the ligislature. ministers remain in offfice as they enjoy confidence of the legislature. in case of no-confidence in a sigle minister,cabinet must resign and it si called "collective responsibility". in fact, they are responsible before the pople through their represetatives. pople can forward their grievances through their representative and the ministeres are accountable.term of governmentterm of the cabinet is not rigidly fixed. a minister may be removed or changed Amy time. parliament can be dissolved during the mational crises. if parliament is disssolved, government no longer remains in office. parliament, through no-confidence movement against any particular minister, prime minister or against the whole cabinet, can compel the glovernment to leave the office. although constitution fixes a specific term but government may go before the expiration of the fixexed term.

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Maybe - there are many factors taken into consideration at account opening, but ,yes you may get an account at Chase when you are on Chexsystems.

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There are two factors that need to be taken into account when it comes to risk assessment. First of all, there is the magnitude of the potential loss. Secondly, there is the probability that the loss will occur.