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Q: What finite resources cause most conflict?
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Zionism is certainly one of the causes of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. It is not the only cause of the conflict and is also not the most important cause of the conflict.

What is the most common cause of conflict?

Bad communication which leads to misunderstanding and conflict.

Which human activity would most likely deplete finite resources?

Mining and extraction of minerals would most likely deplete finite resources, as these activities involve the removal of materials from the Earth's crust at a faster rate than they can be naturally replenished.

What was the most major cause of foreign interests in Persia?

Their Natural Resources

How does the global economy affect the apportionment of natural resources?

The distribution of economic power between nations determines where materials are needed most. Because, at any point in time, there are finite amounts of natural resources, these resources are distributed where they are needed in the quantities they are needed.

What are the effects of unwise use of earth's resources?

Most of the earth's resources are finite. This means that some of the effects of unwise use of earth's resources means depletion and pollution.

What was the most major cause of foreign in Persia?

Their Natural Resources

Is a bio fuel a finite or a natural resource?

Depends on the biofuel, but it's finite to the point of whether humans produce it or not. Most if not all are not natural resources, as they require humans to produce, usually through agriculture, the materials needed to create it. Also, natural and finite aren't mutually exclusive concepts, and tend to be effectively the same thing.

Is competition over scarce resources seen as a cause of social inequality according to the conflict theory?

Yes, in conflict theory, competition over scarce resources is viewed as a key factor contributing to social inequality. The theory posits that those with power and resources are able to maintain their advantage over others, resulting in unequal distribution of wealth and opportunities in society. This perpetuates social stratification and reinforces hierarchies based on class, race, or other factors.

What was most major cause of foreign interest in Persia?

Their Natural Resources

Which was the most cause of foreign interested in Persia?

Persia's natural resources.

Which was the most major cause of foreign intrest in persia?

Natural Resources