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Q: What five beliefs did Pythagoras hold?
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What Beliefs and interests of Pythagoras affected his writing?

El zag w el '9ra6

Where did Pythagoras get married?

Pythagoras got married in Samos, Greece, to a very young woman called Theano and had five children together.

What beliefs and interests of Pythagoras affected his writing of his proof?

one of his beliefs was to help out in the father of time [future] and to help others in many diffident ways.

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Another greek term for numerology that is not the word numerology?

Pythagoras was the father of Numerology. Pythagorean beliefs encompass Numerology.

If i agree with some but not all of Hitler's beliefs am i a nazi?

No. Probably a Fascists if you hold to his Political beliefs. If you hold to his beliefs about a supreme race then you are probably a skin head.

Name of five mathamaticians and their history what they invent in maths?

I know one and that's Pythagoras

What are the beliefs that man has?

Beliefs are what people hold as personal truths. It does not necessarily have to be proven for someone to hold it as a belief. Some people's beliefs change throughout their life depending on their experiences.

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What are three beliefs that Quakers have?

It is not a requirement that a Quaker hold or not hold any particular belief.

How many gallons will a 5 gallon jug hold?

Five. If you have a FIVE GALLON jug, it'll hold five(5).

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Free exercise clause