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Q: What fractal is created when the middle third of each segment is removed?
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What fractal is created when each triangle has an upside down similar triangle removed from its middle which created three smaller triangles similar to the original?

It's called a Sierpinski triangle.

What fractal is created when each triangle has an upside-down similar triangle removed from its middle which creates three smaller triangles similar to the original?

This is known as the Sierpinski triangle.

What fractal is created when each triangle has an upside down similar triangle removed from its middle which creates three smaller triangles similar to the original infinitely repeated?

Sierpinski Gasket

What is the middle of a line segment called?

The middle of a line segment is called a Midpoint.;-)

What fractal is created when the middle third of each segment is removed (infinitely repeated)?

When the middle third of a line segment is removed and repeated infinitely on the resulting line segments the result is the Cantor Set. When shifting to 2 dimensions, starting with a triangle, dividing it up into 4 similar smaller triangles and removing the middle triangle results in the Sierpinski Gasket; the limit of colouring Pascal's triangle with the even numbers as black and the odd numbers as white, as the number of rows tends to infinity is the Sierpinski Gasket. Shifting to 3 dimensions, starting with a cube, dividing it up into 27 smaller cubes and removing the middle cube of each face and the centre cube results in the Menger Sponge. The Sierpinski Gasket and Menger Sponge are 2 and 3 dimensional analogues respectively of the Cantor Set.

Midpoint of a segment?

The middle point of a line segment.

Why can't a line segment have two midpoints?

because it can only have one middle and and a midpoint is the middle of a line segment and mid point means middle midpoint (middle point).

How is the midpoint of a segment different from the length of a segment?

Mostly because, assuming it just one segment, a midpoint by definition (mid- means middle) is the point at the exact middle of a line segment; whereas the length of the segment is the entire length of the segment. Pretty much, a midpoint is a point in the middle of the line, the length is the measurement of the same line.

What is a segment bisect?

Bisect a segment is to divide the line segment into 2