There is not much that can be done to write out this decimal into a fraction, except to make it into the simplest form. With 4 digits in 0125, the very last digit is the "10000th" decimal place. So it would be 0125/10000.
Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.
It is equal to 1.
416 is an integer and not equal to a fraction.
1 / 8 = 0.125 1 / 80 = 0.0125
0.0125 liters is equal to 12.5 milliliters.
There is not much that can be done to write out this decimal into a fraction, except to make it into the simplest form. With 4 digits in 0125, the very last digit is the "10000th" decimal place. So it would be 0125/10000.
The answer will depend on 0125 WHAT! Inches, feet, miles, micrometres?The answer will depend on 0125 WHAT! Inches, feet, miles, micrometres?The answer will depend on 0125 WHAT! Inches, feet, miles, micrometres?The answer will depend on 0125 WHAT! Inches, feet, miles, micrometres?
That question is phrased odd, but 1 ounce is equal to 28.35 grams. .0125 is a very small number, perhaps you refer to .125 ounces which would be equivalent to 3.544 grams or more commonly known as "an eighth".
Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.Any fraction divided by an equivalent fraction will always equal one.
It is equal to 1.
416 is an integer and not equal to a fraction.
The volume fraction of a substance is equal to the mole fraction for ideal gas mixture
0.01 is equal to 1/100 in fraction
It is equal to 1